Tuesday, December 20, 2011



              Bullying is a very big issue in and out of schools all over the world and it is terrifying to be bullied. Being bullied can cause some kids to feel bad about themselves, not want to go to school, and may even make them want to kill themselves. I have been bullied since 7th grade. Girls would call me names, make fun of me, and ostracize me to the point where I would come home almost everyday crying, telling my mom I wouldn't ever go back to school and I ended up transferring schools. Even though I only transferred schools it was still really bad and hurtful. Bullies want to hurt you and make you want to feel bad about yourself, that is what they are trying to do. If you keep your head up, stay strong and positive, and show them it doesn't effect you then they won't want to continue hurting you because it doesn't do anything. Or even if you stand up to that bully they will realize their bullying doesn't hurt and stop. If you see someone being bullied or you are being bullied here's what you should do:

1.) Stand up for the person that is being bullied if they are afraid to or even stand up for yourself. If the bully sees that they cannot hurt you than they won't bully you because what they are doing it trying to hurt one another.

2.) Tell an adult. Whether it is a teacher, counselor, principal, or even your parents. Tell someone. The problem can't be fixed unless someone older than you knows because then the adult that knows can try and prevent it or stop it from happening. My mom and I are really close so while I was being bullied I would turn to her because I felt as if I had nobody else and I don't know what I could have done without her or my very supportive dad. 

3.) Stay Strong. I know it's a lot easier said then done, but eventually things WILL get better. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is happening to teach you a lesson you needed to learn or maybe something could come out of this and turn into something that could be really special. While I was being bullied, I wasn't the strongest person right at that moment. But after bullying affected me, I felt much stronger and I am very proud of myself to this day. I learned a huge lesson in life from being bullied that I am very thankful for. I discovered how much it hurt to be bullied and how overwhelming and stressful it is so because of that, I will NEVER bully anyone because I don't want anyone to go through what I went through.

Always remember to stay strong and keep your head held up high because things will get better and everything happens for a reason.(: 

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