Friday, January 27, 2012

What's Really Going On?

What's Really Going On?

         I did a presentation in my English class last week about bullying with a friend of mine that has also been bullied. We talked about what to do if you see a bullying situation or what to do if you're in one, why to never bully anyone because of the way it makes them feel, the bullying laws of Minnesota, how our school can be a bullying free enviorment, we shared our stories, and watched a video of how bullying can make someone feel. I was very scared to get up infront of the class and talk about what I've been through because it was so hard to bring up the past and to remember how bad it effected me. But I did it and I'm proud of myself for doing it.
         Like I said, we watched a video. The video was called What's Really Going On Jonah. It is so sad, my english teacher even cried. The video is of this boy in 8th grade who has gotten bullied since 2nd grade and has gotten called many names and been made fun of because he was gay. Just because somebody isn't like you or the people you hang out with does NOT give you the right to make of them. Not everyone is going to be the same. Some people will make mistakes, some will do something their not proud of, or some people will make decisions that not everyone's going to approve of but that does not mean they need to be picked on, made fun of, or harrassed. Everyone has feelings and nobody deserves to have those feelings hurt. Here is the video of Jonah..

Please remember to treat people the way you want to be treated. Everyone needs to have a good life. Don't make peoples lives turn into Jonah's life. He is now doing much better and I wish him the best.
Also, remember to stay strong. Things will get better.

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