Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bullying Movie Advertisment

Bullying Movie:

     I went to the movie Journey 2 this last weekend and saw a commercial for a new movie coming out soon called Bully. The movie is about exactly what I and many kids around the world have gone through or are going through now. It breaks my heart to know kids are being treated like this. I want to stop all of this. No kid should have to deal with this. I personally think this movie is a movie EVERYONE needs to see. Everyone needs to see how it makes the kid who's getting bullied feels and they need to learn that bullying can really hurt someone and take some lives away. Most kids that are being the bullies don't even realize they're bullying someone. They do it because they think they're cool or to get attention from the people around them. To be honest, those people are embarrassing themselves and ruining what people think of them. But bullying won't stop unless people start to use their voices. You need to stick up to that bully. Don't be afraid. Just a couple words to stand up for yourself can make a big change not only for yourself but for the others around you. Here's a trailer of the movie Bully:

I reccommend this movie for everyone. To those who are in this kids place, stay strong. Everything will be okay you just have to stay positive & believe in yourself. :)

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Caitlyn Paige! You are an amazing girl and I love you!
