Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bullying Needs to Stop

Bullying Needs To Stop...

         About a month ago from today there was this girl who committed suicide because of bullying that was going on at her school. She lived about 30 minutes to an hour from here so I did not know her very well. It is still sooo sad to hear about anyone who would want to end their life because of some idiots who make kids feel so bad about themselves that they want to end their life. This girl deserves to be on this earth as much as everyone of you out there.
         Just stop bullying. It effects so many people in so many ways. If you see it, do something about it. Yes, we do want to fit in and yes we don't want to be singled out for standing up for someone so most of us ignore it and go along with it. But you never know what the one being bullied is going to do. The next day they could be gone. If you show them that you care then that thought of not being there the next day could fly out the window because that's maybe just what they need. Care. It's not right for some young kid to commit suicide from bullying. It's pathetic. They were born for a reason so treat them right. Calling someone names isn't going to help anything either. Words hurt. It doesn't make you any better. Everybody is different in their own ways and people need to respect that. Just think if that was you in their shoes. Stop judging others. Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are. Stop the bullying.
         Just wanted to say that my prayers go out to the girl's family and friends who are going through this. I am very sorry nobody should have to go through this. Things will get better. I promise. Just think of it this way, she will be looking down on you and you will get to see her again someday. Stay Strong. <3

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