Thursday, June 7, 2012

Body Bashing.

Body Bashing.

         I was reading a Teen Vogue magazine last night and there was an article about Body Bashing. I was excited to read it because I have had troubles being confident in myself. At times, I would look in the mirror and say to myself "..why are my thighs so much bigger then other girls my age?" "..why do I still have a baby pouch when other girls have a flat stomach?" I still sometimes do. But after reading this article, I am trying really hard to be confident.
         The article was a bunch of girls who got interviewed by Rachel Simmons. It was about obsessing over your flaws and imperfections while trashing your figure with friends, family, and other people around you.
         There was one interview that really caught my eye. It was about Elizabeth who was a freshman in high school. She couldn't stand it when people would beat themselves up. She would stop it. Then one day, she looked at herself and realized that she wasn't the skinniest girl in her group of friends. When a friend, who was the same size as her, complained about her legs and stomach. Elizabeth began to panic and think, if her friend thinks that about herself, then what does she think of me? She said that after hearing her friend pick herself apart she began to worry about her body parts too. Later, Elizabeth went crazy with dieting and lost several of pounds. She began to recieve compliments from her friends saying how skinny she was. They would tear themselves apart even more and obsess over Elizabeths new figure. She said that the fact they noticed made her feel good about herself so she dieted more and more. To the point where she was put in the hospital and got told she had anorexia because she depended on peoples compliments and craved the attention.
         Carolyn Becker, Ph.D., found a study that only three to five minutes of fat talk leads young women to feeling increased body dissatisfaction. And then body bashing begins.
         Body bashing isn't good for you or anyone. Don't say "I look fat." "I look ugly." "What is wrong with me?" "I hate this..I hate that..just to get compliments from someonelse to make you feel pretty. You should feel good about yourself. And be confident. Nobody else in the world is like you. 
         "Today you are You, that is truer then true. There is no one alive who is Youer then You." -Dr. Seuss. My mom and grandma Lisa always tell me that the prettiest women are women who are confident in themselves. "If you are confident, you are beautiful." Love who you are. Don't depend on other peoples comments. Just wake up every morning saying, I love who I am. <3

Wheather you have a size 00 or a size 13, you are ALL beautiful.
(I thank Teen Vogue for publishing this article. It is amazing and all the teenage girls and women out there need to realize how important it is to like yourself. Thanks Teen Vogue!)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bullying Needs to Stop

Bullying Needs To Stop...

         About a month ago from today there was this girl who committed suicide because of bullying that was going on at her school. She lived about 30 minutes to an hour from here so I did not know her very well. It is still sooo sad to hear about anyone who would want to end their life because of some idiots who make kids feel so bad about themselves that they want to end their life. This girl deserves to be on this earth as much as everyone of you out there.
         Just stop bullying. It effects so many people in so many ways. If you see it, do something about it. Yes, we do want to fit in and yes we don't want to be singled out for standing up for someone so most of us ignore it and go along with it. But you never know what the one being bullied is going to do. The next day they could be gone. If you show them that you care then that thought of not being there the next day could fly out the window because that's maybe just what they need. Care. It's not right for some young kid to commit suicide from bullying. It's pathetic. They were born for a reason so treat them right. Calling someone names isn't going to help anything either. Words hurt. It doesn't make you any better. Everybody is different in their own ways and people need to respect that. Just think if that was you in their shoes. Stop judging others. Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are. Stop the bullying.
         Just wanted to say that my prayers go out to the girl's family and friends who are going through this. I am very sorry nobody should have to go through this. Things will get better. I promise. Just think of it this way, she will be looking down on you and you will get to see her again someday. Stay Strong. <3

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bullying Movie Advertisment

Bullying Movie:

     I went to the movie Journey 2 this last weekend and saw a commercial for a new movie coming out soon called Bully. The movie is about exactly what I and many kids around the world have gone through or are going through now. It breaks my heart to know kids are being treated like this. I want to stop all of this. No kid should have to deal with this. I personally think this movie is a movie EVERYONE needs to see. Everyone needs to see how it makes the kid who's getting bullied feels and they need to learn that bullying can really hurt someone and take some lives away. Most kids that are being the bullies don't even realize they're bullying someone. They do it because they think they're cool or to get attention from the people around them. To be honest, those people are embarrassing themselves and ruining what people think of them. But bullying won't stop unless people start to use their voices. You need to stick up to that bully. Don't be afraid. Just a couple words to stand up for yourself can make a big change not only for yourself but for the others around you. Here's a trailer of the movie Bully:

I reccommend this movie for everyone. To those who are in this kids place, stay strong. Everything will be okay you just have to stay positive & believe in yourself. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love Who You Are

Love Who You Are:

         Insecurities is something that a lot of people about my age deal with. Girls and boys are trying to figure out they are and are trying to love themselves. But at this age in life but it can be hard if you're insecure about yourself. When I was getting bullied, I was called fat, ugly, and other names that led me to not liking myself because I believed what others were saying. I tried loosing weight by not eating as much, or working out in my basement alone as much as I could. I wore much more make-up and kept trying my hardest to look like other people. I never told anyone about what I was trying to do and I should of because I got to the point where I became getting nauseated, light headed, and I got dizzy all the time. By then, I knew I had to stop. I was no longer healthy or no longer myself. I told myself I needed to stop and it was very hard. All I could think about is to keep doing it so I could get rid of the names I was being called. I was all alone trying to do the best thing for me and I made it. I did it. Today, I am healthy and back to being me. I don't care what other people say about me because I am me and if they don't like that, they can deal with it. I have many imperfections but the word imperfect actually spells "I'm Perfect." Because everyone is perfect in their own imperfect ways. I am not going to change for people who don't accept me for who I am.

Dear everyone out there with insecurities,
         Stop being unhappy with yourself. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn't be you, and why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with who you are. Smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then screw it. Yell out to the world; my happiness will not depend on others anymore. I'm happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections. They make me me. And 'me' is pretty amazing. Remember to; stay strong & love who you are. Things will get better you just have to trust and believe in yourself.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What's Really Going On?

What's Really Going On?

         I did a presentation in my English class last week about bullying with a friend of mine that has also been bullied. We talked about what to do if you see a bullying situation or what to do if you're in one, why to never bully anyone because of the way it makes them feel, the bullying laws of Minnesota, how our school can be a bullying free enviorment, we shared our stories, and watched a video of how bullying can make someone feel. I was very scared to get up infront of the class and talk about what I've been through because it was so hard to bring up the past and to remember how bad it effected me. But I did it and I'm proud of myself for doing it.
         Like I said, we watched a video. The video was called What's Really Going On Jonah. It is so sad, my english teacher even cried. The video is of this boy in 8th grade who has gotten bullied since 2nd grade and has gotten called many names and been made fun of because he was gay. Just because somebody isn't like you or the people you hang out with does NOT give you the right to make of them. Not everyone is going to be the same. Some people will make mistakes, some will do something their not proud of, or some people will make decisions that not everyone's going to approve of but that does not mean they need to be picked on, made fun of, or harrassed. Everyone has feelings and nobody deserves to have those feelings hurt. Here is the video of Jonah..

Please remember to treat people the way you want to be treated. Everyone needs to have a good life. Don't make peoples lives turn into Jonah's life. He is now doing much better and I wish him the best.
Also, remember to stay strong. Things will get better.